For as long as I can remember, I have been keenly interested in history, culture, and origins. This interest has lead me to study, in depth, the histories and cultures from peoples around the world. This project, “Tea Time @ Ellis Island,” was inspired by the story of many Americans whose families arrived on the docks at Ellis Island around the turn of the 20th century.
Despite the fact that I know Ellis Island was not a place that people chose to stay any longer than they needed, I imagined a victorian-style tea party taking place involving peoples from different cultures all over Europe. After pouring through newsletters, documentaries, and other historical account—I was ready to begin creating my patterns. Each of the patterns I produced—whether it be a repeat pattern, or a placement print—takes direct inspiration from national flowers, animals, and other symbols of cultural relevance. For example, the placement print featuring a cherub resting on an Italian Greyhound, whose tail has been replaced with a grape branch, is meant to represent the millions of Italians who came to America seeking a better life.
This project allowed me to have fun combining the great loves of my life : Fashion, Cultural Context, and History.